
Diamond Lakes is one of the few places in the World where a red-purple diamond is recorded to have been recovered. We are intending mining several sites to depth on areas previously drilled and sampled with confirmed in-situ deposits in We intend mining the base of Pienaar’s Pothole, the S1 and S2 potholes down to 80 metres below surface, the Gravitate pothole and two unnamed and as yet untouched virgin gravel potholes.

We aim to use the mining industry to fund education in Southern and Eastern Africa while making generous returns for investors. We aim to empower small investors from all over the World to be able to participate in the intriguing world of diamond and gold mining and beneficiation.

The Bloodless Diamonds Group has been developing its own Women in Mining BDWIM project specifically targeting Southern Africa. The Woodpeckers Group in Zambia will play a large part in this project which is designed to empower previously disadvantaged women through equity ownership and participation in the minerals beneficiation sector. Woodpeckers Mining has demonstrated its strength, resilience, and fortitude through the pandemic and within a male dominated commodities and mining industries. Woodpeckers Mining is led by a strong, determined, hardworking, intelligent, and fearless woman. The BDWIM project will be led by strong female role models based in Southern Africa and will aim to empower 1000 previously disadvantaged women through mine equity ownership or the active participation in mineral beneficiation.

As part of a global capital raising effort, small-scale impact investors will be able to access the rough diamond market through legitimate sources. Corporate resources will be directed towards the development of sustainable education funding as part of our mining social and development plans. An auditing/project management firm and a law firm yet to be appointed, will assist with the oversight of our intended Education Fund and the BDWIM project.

The company will work towards increasing beneficiation within Southern Africa with much of the value gain benefitting the Southern African economy. The developed world which is the biggest consumer of high-end commodity products, from Diamonds, Gold and Titanium to rare earth minerals, presents unique opportunities to the company. The Bloodless Group has associate companies already set-up in Australia, the United Kingdom, India, and Canada in various stages of operation and set-up. The Global Self-Managed Superfund or Retirement Fund Industry and the possibility of an eventual stock exchange listing are long term plans for the company. The company has looked at many interesting possibilities tied to the Global Self- Managed Super Fund industry. With the right set-up in place, a Self-Managed Super Fund can purchase rough gems, pay for their polishing and beneficiation, and subsequent import/export duties to wherever as equity in the SMSF. We will be looking for strategic partners to assist in the administration of an SMSF private investor resources trading platform.

We have taken advice on the possibility of tying our socially conscious mining to a cryptocurrency development, as well as the development of high energy yield mobile solar power plants for all 3 of the sites that the company manages. These projects will be tied in with our crowdfunding efforts soon to start.

Staten Island Trading

Staten Island Trading (SIT) acquired their initial equity stake in these projects in 2006. It has been a challenging exercise from the start with many major expensive administrative delays in getting the New Order Mine Rights executed. The carnage of the Global Financial Crisis led on to several other extremely challenging issues from Government at all levels, as well as the spectacular increase in costs of mining and compliances. Without mentioning many other serious hindrances to mining in South Africa in general, the pandemic came in to slay any operators that were heavily reliant on cash flow. The Staten Island Trading projects have had to deal with many obstacles but have increased their equity and involvement in the mining industry considerably.

The next phase of Capital Raising will allow for some foundation investors to realize their investment if they so choose and want to exit and will bring in a new wave of investors and exciting opportunities.


Status: Operational

1. Manganese

2. Diamonds

3. Agates

4. Crushed stone

5. Building sand

  • 2 Contractors on site.
  • Dredger Development.
  • Remote renewable power plant development.

    The legendary mine is due to resume operations within the next 2 months. Technological advances made on MRSDM have made the possibility of mining Pienaar's Pothole a reality. Chemical free diamond mining; using the impediments of the past, the billions of litres of water overlying known rich diamond deposits. These previously have proven an enormous challenge for diamond mavericks of the past. The story is an incredible one and worthy of a read and a look on our website. 10% of the net profit generated by the Diamond Lakes mine will go towards education funding in Southern Africa. A further 10% of the mines income will go towards the Bloodless Diamonds Women In Mining project.


    The little sleeping beauty. Mothballed due to contractual disputes and a pandemic. Fundamental to the groups social development projects. There is soon to be an in-house resurrection of BLDM and it is expected that the mines development will be intimately tied to local community. The is an inhouse team that will directly oversee the project and run its own operation. The mine intends developing a comprehensive social development program to benefit the entire local community in the mines proximity, and to be part of the Bloodless Diamonds Group Education Funding project.


    That Southern Africa has been blessed with an abundance of minerals can never be questioned. Zambia is proving to be enormously rich in minerals and is presenting unique challenges in reconciling the rights of multiple competing groups from colonial land owners, tribal land-owners, tribal chieftains, artisanal subsistence miners, government administrators and a multitude of other challenges. The Bloodless Diamonds group has been working with the Woodpeckers Group for more than 5 years in developing a plan to utilize the resources they have invested in. The development of these projects will be partly funded from the Bloodless Diamonds Groups South African operations.


    The Bloodless Diamonds Group is strategically placed to mine diamonds from several known deposits in Southern Africa and to acquire diamonds and gold from legitimately mined sources in Southern Africa (South Africa and Zambia).

    The Group intends leveraging its interests in the mining industry to fund innovative education projects in Africa. The group is launching a crowd funding project to effectively re-start the Diamonds Lake mine and fund several worthy education projects that will be linked to the mine. The Diamonds Lake Mine is one of the few in the World where a red-purple diamond in documented to have been retrieved from. There are enormous deposits of diamonds under large volumes of water which have proved too costly and dangerous to mine long term previously. Enormous pits were pumped dry and worked 40 years ago, and even Marine Diamond Dredge/Barge equipment was used 35 years or so ago.

    The Groups associates have developed a chemical free dredger system that has proven its operational and functional ability in recovering diamondiferous gravels from deep waterlogged resources. We are developing this dredging system especially for the re-commissioning of Diamond Lakes.