Over 3500 carats recovered by recent bulk survey on Diamond Lakes

How we did it


Diamond Lakes signed a contractor agreement with African Diamond Resources to do a large bulk sample survey of the S1 and S2 potholes on the mine. The contract was plagued by many mishaps and eventually was terminated after only a fraction of expected mining took place. The sample produced some phenomenal stones and colours, with the biggest stone weighing 11.2 cts- it was a poor quality stone but what a whopper!!

Diamond Lakes has 5 or more potential sites for large individual diamond recovery operations including the legendary Pienaar’s Pothole where an estimated 700 000 cts were recovered from a 4 acre site. Browse through our various galleries to learn more about the incredible history of this mine.


This mine is an established, operational project. The dredger development done on MRSDM has opened up avenues to mine Pienaar’s Pothole without the massive obstacles preventing access to the base of the pothole. Check out the sequence of dredger development from 2017 to date. The development of the next level dredger specifically for Pienaars Pothole is part of the current capital raise project planned by the Bloodless Diamonds Group.


The development of the Better Life Diamond Mine Project will be funded by the current capital raise. This mine will be a model of sustainability intended to ensure sound social development in the communities that live in proximity to the mine.

What we plan on doing

During the active phase of Diamond Lakes, 5 University Students were assisted with funding towards completion of their degrees. All 5 were law students and most are now qualified and practising as lawyers. Currently, the Founder is assisting in a small way with the funding of a small school project in rural Kenya called the Mara Children’s Project. It is an initiative in-part started by an Emergency Medicine Specialist from Kenya working in Australia. It is expected that this will be one of many rural school projects that the Group will fund as time progresses. Funding disadvantaged students in general will be an ongoing endeavour for the group. Funding extra-ordinary and talented scholars and students is the Groups secret strategy. As a Group we firmly believe that Africa’s most precious resource is its youth.

The most valuable resource that comes out of Africa is her Youth

The Bloodless Group is capital raising to expand mining operations on 3 mines that the Group has a strategic stake in. Investors will be given an option of an equity stake or active participation in the resources industry. The Group will use income generated through mining to fund various education projects in Sub-Saharan Africa.


Projected growth based on current planned projections

Projected growth based on current capital raising projections will be intimately linked to the education funding provided directly by the Group to needy scholars and students.

So, in addition to a great return, a portion of your money will assist with the education of either a needy child, or the educational and skills development of identified exceptional students in Southern Africa.



The expected company growth depicted above and below is a schematic using the Group’s current status as 100 non-denominational units and expected the group to be 800% over the next 5 years, this is based on the fact that there are 3 active mine sites that have proven reserves of diamonds that are not currently being mined. The capital raise will see all three sites become active. A substantial portion of the company’s revenue will be used for education funding and other social development projects.


Number of students assisted financially- current and projected

The chart below is reflective of our intentions to assist with education funding for scholars and students. We have previously partially funded 5 University students in Johannesburg and Pretoria, are currently assisting with 6 rural Kenyan scholars. We hope to expand that number to 500 students/scholars assisted by the end of 2026.